LGBT MONTH Author Interview: Andrew Demcak
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About the Author:
What made you want to become a writer?
I never really thought about becoming a writer; I have always
written since I was a kid. I mostly wrote poetry until about 5 years
ago when I wrote my first novel, If There's a Heaven Above (JMS Books).
I was a theater major as an undergrad in college. Acting was okay, but
I loved my playwriting class best. I decided right then to become an
English major with the emphasis on creative writing. I ended up getting
a Master's degree in English.
Where do you get your inspirations from?
My life and the stories of those who live around me. It's dangerous to know a writer; you never know if you'll end up in one of his stories.
Other than writing books, what else do you do in your free time?
I love running, hiking, and hanging out with my husband (just got married in July, 2014!) I collect early 20th century and mid century pottery, Grueby, van Briggle, Rookwood, Arequipa, California Faience, Grand Feu, Rose Cabat, etc.
If you could work with another author, who would it be?
Gertrude Stein! I love all of her linguistic experiments!
What are major themes of your work?
Abuse and recovery. I heard a great definition of what a ghost is:
an emotion twisted beyond recognition. It will not go away until the
wrong is put right. I think that is what Ghost Songs is all about.
Identification. Ego loves its mirrors. Also people want emotional release.
Are there any recent works you admire?
I loved Sharon Olds' most recent book of poetry, Stags Leap. It is devastating in its honesty.
Questions About the Book (Ghost Songs):
Which character in the book do you think you can relate to the most?
I identify with both Todd, the lead, and his mother, Eddie. But there is a little bit of me in all the characters. It's a bit schizophrenic to have so many people in my head at one time!
How did you come up with the character's names?
Todd came from the idea of a generic boy, an "any-boy" so that he wouldn't be seen as different. Eddie's name came from Absolutely Fabulous. A tip of my hat to the marvelous Jennifer Saunders.
What gave you the inspiration to write this book?
This book is based on the
true stories of several people, including myself. I grew up in a
haunted house. To me, haunting is a psychological state. The idea that
things will happen to you that will follow you around for the rest of
your life unless you can heal and purge them.
*The questions and answers of this author interview are only for Ethereal Book Reviews to use. If you would like to get interviewed, please visit our "Contact Us" page and send us an e-mail.