EBR Guest Review: Heart Tales by Celine Garcia (Marie-Eve Castonguay)
Posted in 4 stars, 5 stars, guest, promotion, review
EBR Guest Reviewer: Marie-Eve Castonguay

Three charming tales of that never ending roller coaster called life, each one sure to pack a sweet punch of candy for the heart. One story involves a girl and a mystery box with handwritten song lyrics. The second follows a guy on the road with memories of the girl that got away, and finally a teen girl who can actually speak to the source of her angst…her heart.
Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/QMcpG6QUz98
Audio Frequency
Geraldine works the counter at Audio Frequency, a small music store that was once the hub of the local music scene. The best part of her day is a little brown box that is delivered to the store with song lyrics written inside, a playful guessing game between a mystery guy who seems to totally get her. Geraldine finds she is ready to make big changes at Audio Frequency and thankfully her best friend Sam just scored her a ticket to the biggest music benefit in town. Geraldine may get everything she wants when she discovers that her mystery guy may be at the event.
A sweet little story about friendship, expectations, and the leaps that must be made to take the love you want.
Legal U Turn
Gwen and Dean share an awkward drive home for their first college break because of convenience. But with hate comes a confiding friendship that may mean more to Dean. After his true feelings slip during a trip home, his friendship with Gwen ends abruptly and they don’t speak or see each other again.
Two years later Dean finds himself driving the same route he and Gwen used to take home years ago and it’s accompanied with the best memories of Gwen. A journey filled with a fun combo of memorable road trips and not so great first impressions causes Dean to wonder, is there a possibility of rekindling one of his greatest friendships?
Heart Set on You
A funny thing happened to Ellie when she woke after her heart transplant. Her donor didn’t exactly die. Instead he stayed behind to both of their confusion and can only be seen by Ellie. Ellie is unable to make friends at school and her only confidant is her heart donor, who she coincidentally nicknames Heart. After thinking she would always be socially challenged, she comes across someone who could change everything. Can this new someone help free Ellie and Heart from their bond? Or will new feelings arise that neither of them expected?
A unique story that reveals how friends can compliment and challenge each other told with fun sarcastic humor and heart. (Taken from Goodreads)
Stars Given:★★★★★ (4.5 Stars)
Overall View:
***this book was given to me by the author through Ethereal Book Reviews (Guest Reviewer Program)***
Heart Tales is unlike anything I've ever read. It's 3 short romance stories that are impossibly cute. Like I said, they're really short so it's a quick and fun read. I read this in about 1 hour and a half after a shitty school day and it made me feel a whole lot better.
Audio Frequency
This one was short, sweet and impossibly cute. It's about two people who love music. They understand each other more than anyone else. It's about doing what you're afraid of. It's pretty short, but still worth the read. I'd love to know what happens to them.
Legal U Turn
Cute friendzone romance story. Short and sweet. I loved how there were two stories being told at the same time.
Heart Set On You
Cute romance about a teenage girl who can see a ghost. It almost made me cry and I hoped he wouldn't leave. Heart was amazing and he symbolized the courage that we have within ourselves to fight our demons and our problems in life.