Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jan 2013 06

Blog Tour: Author Interview of Courtney S. King and Giveaway

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About the Author:

 One of the first short stories I ever wrote was about my Barbie dolls traveling to Florida. I was eight years-old and fell in love with creative writing. Fourteen years later, I'm still passionate about all forms of written expression. In January of 2013, I published two editions in the Girl's Guide series for teens girls. My first YA thriller novel, Lavender Girl, will be released in January 2013. When I'm not writing fiction or non-fiction books, I contribute posts on my blog


What made you want to become a writer?
I've always loved reading books and writing fiction. As a child, I'd imagine what happened to the characters after reading "THE END" and create my own interpretation. When I realized I could create my own stories, I've been in love with the craft ever since.

Where do you get your inspirations from?
Inspirations for my stories come from my life, the media, and music.

Other than writing books, what else do you do in your free time?
In my free time I experiment with interior design, listening to excessive amounts of music, and spending time with loved ones.

If you could work with another author, who would it be?
I would love to work with Janet Fitch. Her writing style is very poetic and leaves you feeling haunted by the characters.

What are major themes of your work?
Some themes in my writing include coming of age events, love, duality, and personal enlightenment.

What do you think people look for in a book?
I believe readers look for intriguing characters, a unique plot, and a bit of realism to pull them in.

Are there any recent works that you admire?

Neal Shusterman's "Unwind" is action packed and has a unique take on abortion.

Do you have anything else you would like to say to your readers?

Never give up on your goals and keep writing no matter what!


Enter for a chance to win a copy of How to Survive High School: The Girl's Guide to Making A's, Decoding Guys, & Living Life.  There are five copies available! Enter now!

Quick Facts about the book:

Genre: Self-help/non-fiction
Release Date: January 13, 2013 (the date is subject to change, but it is currently the release date)
Publisher: Createspace
How to Survive High School: The Girl's Guide to Making A's, Decoding Guys, & Living Life offers tips and practical advice for getting through the ups and downs of high school.

The guide includes tips for:

*Overcoming Low Self-Esteem and Building Self-Confidence

*Navigating Peer Pressure and Making Friends

*Finding Your Path and Direction

*Organizing for School, Academic Achievement, & Much More!

Information (about giveaway):
Start date: January 7, 2013
End date: January 21, 2013
Format of Prize: Ebook (PDF) 
Information needed to participate: 
  • International

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*We are not responsible for the damages, lost prize, etc. We are NOT the ones who mail the prize to you, therefore, Ethereal Book Reviews is solely not responsible for anything.


  1. I would like to thank you so much for this fantastic book giveaway, that i would so love to have the oportunity of reading (as it sounds amazing!). I am a huge fan and avid reader of the YA genre and this is something that i shall be definately adding to my to-read list. x

  2. Sounds interesting, but I am in the final year of highschool and have survived very well. Good luck with your future writings!

  3. I'm a big YA reader. I am excited for this book. Her other book coming out has peak my curiosity too~ :3

    1. Make sure to enter the contest then :) And I'm glad you are excited for the book! I read it and it was AWESOME!

  4. Hey! This book sounds awesome! I'm right halfway in high school, and I love YA. Thanks for doing this giveaway! ;D

  5. this sounds sooo good! really hope I get picked :)Added it to my TBR shelf on Goodreads
