Book Promotion: Night Sea Journey by Paula Cappa
Posted in fiction, promotion
When dreams are supernatural, they generate a powerful force. Artist Kip Livingston paints her dreams. But when her dreams transform into nightmares that don't end when she wakes up, imagine her fear. These nightmares are so alive and so threatening, they drive her into the arms of a priest, Raymond Kera. Ray falls for the seductive and beautiful Kip. Can he help her battle the recurring dreams of a mysterious winged being? Ray knows that without the dark angels, there are no bright ones.
Kip's dreams may be a passage to a land of ghosts or a psychic destiny. One thing is certain: Kip is compelled to travel these dark nights beneath a ghost-grey sea to reach her journey's end. On Horn Island, inside the haunted Abasteron House ... a tale of the supernatural.
The characters:
Kip Livingston is a stunning young artist living alone in Abasteron House on Horn Island, painting her dreams every day. But inside this house by the sea, another power rules her nights. What does this winged creature want? Is it haunting her from her past, or for her destiny?
Raymond Kera, a priest exiled to Horn Island, struggles with his own shadows. When he meets Kip Livingston, he must choose between his vows and his desperate need for human love.
Garcia the Prophet, Raymond's mentor, a rebellious visionary who knows firsthand the alternate consciousness of dream power—and the all-consuming human desires that compel a man to deceit, murder, and evil.
Information About the Book:
Author: Paula Cappa
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Publisher: ----
Release Date: Released
Links to Buy (with price):
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Average Rating (from Goodreads): 3.00
Rating from EBR: ----