Review of Eliza's Shadow by Catherine Wittmack
Posted in 2 stars, fiction, review
Eliza Gowan's past has come back to hunt her. since her mother's mysterious disappearance, Eliza has enjoyed the quiet life under the care of her aunt in the sleepy town of Port Rune. But the moment magnetic Rem Alden appears in her high school classroom, Eliza is thrust into the exciting world of magic and the path of danger. Menaced by an otherworldly enemy, Eliza embarks on a quest to solve the mysteries of her past and end the hunt for good. (Taken from Goodreads)
Stars Given: ★★☆☆☆
Overall View:
When I first saw this book, I fell in love with the front cover. Even the title drew me in. I rad the synopsis and really did fall in love. I started reading and thought "Okay, kinda slow but, I gotta give it time!". When I got to the middle of the book, I only thought of one word that fit it. Pointless. I could not see the point in this story, AT ALL. I would always have to stop reading it to read another one because it just bored the crap out of me. When the cool fighting part came, it only lasted a few pages, which completely disappointed me. The characters barely developed and when I read it, it felt as if I had to eat medicine. Not the good tasting kind either. If I hadn't stopped to read other books, I would have already died from reading this. I felt like it wasted my time because the story line was flat the whole way through. This book did not give me any jolts of "energy", which is what I usually look for in the books. So, you are probably wondering "Well, Lemons, was there at least one good thing about it?". There was one. I think. If I can even remember it. It was something about Ren. Maybe that could be left for later. After all, horribly-terrified-of this-book is what I probably feel right now. (I'm sorry I sound so mean, I don't mean to but honestly, I really couldn't see anything to it that made me jump out of my bed and wake everyone in my house up) .
Eliza -
Description of Character: Eliza has lost her mom when she was young and now that she is older, she is determined to find her mother. She meets the new boy in school, Ren, who seems to take interest in her, vice versa. She later learns her new powers, her mom's secrets and Ren's.
Ren -
Description of Character: Ren 's believes that he should be the one helping Eliza as her pharos, being that he was the one who broke her "shield" that someone had casted on her to keep her away from trouble and evil. But will he be able to push his feelings to the back of his head and stay focused with Eliza right beside him?
Review of Character: Ren is probably one of the reasons this book deserved 2 stars. He was calm throughout the whole story and when he was completely freaking out, he still covered it with a mask. He is the type of guy that would grab my attention in books. He isn't controlling and he tries his hardest to understand her. I feel like all the characters should have at least this trait because that would totally improve the book.
*Supporting characters not listed
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