Featured Book: Hidden Animals
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In this collection of
poems and short stories, fantastical creatures stand for all that is
deeply hidden inside the human heart. Birds of all kinds live together
mysteriously inside a country manor, a nobleman’s careless life is
disturbed by an unexpected intruder, a monk travels a dying world in
search of a god of chaos, and being the ruler of a fairy court is not
all it’s made out to be. The Birds, symbolising hope, faith and
sometimes fatality, the Beasts that, in their various forms, embody the
allure of danger and of all that is primal, and the Spirits, which have
their subtle ways of influencing all action, come together into one
Hidden Animal, which is nothing but the part of human nature that always
remains mysterious and unexplained. (Taken from Goodreads)
Title: Hidden Animals
Author(s): Anca Rotar
Link on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/20359666-hidden-animals
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/394166
Average Stars (from Goodreads):4.17