Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mar 2013 16

Giveaway: My Wishful Thinking by Shel Delisle

Posted in
WHAT WOULD YOU WISH FOR?  Birthday candles, dandelions, turkey bones or shooting stars-- seventeen-year-old Logan Carter never passes up a chance to make a wish. But there's nothing magical about her life until the day a genie goes poof and promises to grant her every desire.
Can she finally bring her father home? Help her mother? Find true love?
It all seems possible--if she can figure out one little complication. She has to share the genie with her best friend Emily, and their desires only come true if they wish for and receive the exact same thing. It's time for Logan to compromise, because no two people--no matter how close--can agree on everything.
( Taken from Goodreads)

Information (about book):
Author(s): Shel Delisle
Rating (On Goodreads): 3.62
Rating by EBR: ----  
Release Date (Estimation): October 20, 2012
Link to Review on EBR:----

Information (about giveaway):
Start date: March 16, 2013
End date: April 9, 2013
Format of Prize: ePub, PDF or mobi
Information need to participate: 
  • Read "Terms and Conditions" before entering

*We are not responsible for the damages, lost prize, etc. We are NOT the ones who mail the prize to you, therefore, Ethereal Book Reviews is solely not responsible for anything.