Getting Back on Track
Hi all! For all those faithful and loyal readers or new visitors who have stumbled on our blog, we have finally gotten everything sorted out and will begin to post reviews again! For all authors who have attempted to reach us during this year, we are sorry for not being able to reply as certain circumstances had made it hard for us to stay active. However, now that everything has been sorted out we will begin to reply to emails these next few days. If you think we may have accidentally skipped your email please don't hesitate to email us again! Thanks for your patience everyone!
Note: we have changed one of our emails from angelicbookreviews@gmail.com to etherealbookreviews@gmail.com
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Note: we have changed one of our emails from angelicbookreviews@gmail.com to etherealbookreviews@gmail.com
Sorry for the inconvenience.